Mr.Salve was very shocked when he found out that her girlfriend for 8-months is actually her own daughter. Psychiatrist, Dr. Camille Garcia said "The daughter became traumatized when her mother unexpectedly appear to the one of the top-rating shows on TV "Face-face". The daughter is struggling to recover from the unexplained incident. On the other hand, Mr. Salve is undergoing counselling sessions. This is a real misadventure of a daughter who only dream of meeting her prince. A dream that turns out to a nightmare. To conclude, the psychiatrist advice all the parents especially to those single parent that they have to be honest to their children. You will never know what life may bring us. This is a lesson that we should learn. If you are the Daughter or the Father, What will you do if you face this kind of ordeal in your life? Don't hesitate to share your answers below!