The beauty of Filipinas is definitely one thing to be proud of because it does not only appear on the outside but it is also reflected on ...
Daily source of social news and updates.
The beauty of Filipinas is definitely one thing to be proud of because it does not only appear on the outside but it is also reflected on ...
Richard Faulkerson Jr. or Alden Richards started his career in the Kapuso Network way back in 2010 when he starred in Alakdana. From then...
The kitchen is one of the places in the house that is always used up especially when it comes to preparing food . There is a difficulty...
Our body works in different wonders . There are a lot of things happening in the body that the human eyes could not explain. One of...
A lot of women are being sexually harassed by men out there. Most times, they could not ask for anyone's help because they would jus...
The tough competition between the two largest television networks. Both of them are continuously looking for ways on how to become success...
There had been a lot of stories about rich people boasting out their wealth to other people. One particular story gained the attention o...
We all knew for a fact that our mothers is the reason why we are existing in this world. Without their proper guidance and love, life wou...
There is nothing constant in this world except change. Even when it comes to the television shows, they are always developing it to see wh...
Whenever we hear stories of cheating, we often feel the sympathy for the person who gets cheated on. Often time we tend to get a little cu...
A British national who claims that he is ' Pinoy at Heart ' created an open letter as a response to the offensive jab that Coach L...