'Black Henna' Tattoo Causes Allergic Reaction to Skin That Leaves a Scar For Life!

Henna Tattoos are one of the things that a tourists look for whenever they are out on a vacation. Henna tattoos became popular because of...
Pinay Boxer Disappointed After Customs Asked Payment To Release Her Championship Belt! Really?!

The Bureau of Customs is receiving a lot of complains especially when they gave the news that they will be putting taxes and randomly ope...
Pinay Boxer Disappointed After Customs Asked Payment To Release Her Championship Belt! Really?!

The Bureau of Customs is receiving a lot of complains especially when they gave the news that they will be putting taxes and randomly ope...
Toddler Died After Being Hit By A Car While Mother Was Busy With Her Smart Phone! Shocking!

With the new technology and gadgets nowadays, people tend to be distracted all the time. They are becoming more focused using their gadg...
Toddler Died After Being Hit By A Car While Mother Was Busy With Her Smart Phone! Shocking!

With the new technology and gadgets nowadays, people tend to be distracted all the time. They are becoming more focused using their gadg...
TIPS: How To Magically Lighten Dark Armpits Easily!

Having dark underarms is really a shame for people because it lessens their confidence to feel good about their body. Dark Underarms i...
A Deadly Disease Worse Than HIV That Even Condoms Could Not Protect A Person From It

Using condoms is one way to prevent diseases that could possibly be transmitted through sexual intercourse. This could prevent diseases s...
A Deadly Disease Worse Than HIV That Even Condoms Could Not Protect A Person From It

Using condoms is one way to prevent diseases that could possibly be transmitted through sexual intercourse. This could prevent diseases s...
Desperate Family Smashed Dead Teen's Grave After Hearing Her Screaming For Help!

A shocking footage of a family who desperately smashed the grave of their teen daughter because they believed that the woman was still a...
This Beautiful Girl Danced On The Road Because She Was Pissed Off By The Heavy Traffic! Beast mode On!

Heavy traffic is one reason why people tend to be pissed off and get angry at all things. But this girl took her emotions to a differe...
Her Boyfriend Dumped Her Via Text Message, What She Did Was Insane!

People tend to do a lot of crazy things when the love of their lives dumps them. It is so hard to accept the fact that others choose to ...
The Jeepney Hit The Kid. Whose Fault Is It? The Parents Or The Driver?

There are a large number of accidents whereas the victims are children who were just playing around. But then, when it comes to cases l...
Man used M&Ms to create a simple yet perfect wedding proposal to his girlfriend!

Wedding proposal gets more and more unique as the tie goes by. Men are continuously looking for the incredible ways to make their girlfrie...
This woman has a swollen lip, what the doctor pulled out from it will shock you!

Oral Myiasis is a rare condition whereas the human tissues feeds off the fly larvae that happens in the oral cavity. The oral myiasis ...
Man Sexually Harassed A 13 Year Old Girl in a Public Elementary School Restroom

A 13-year old girl was harassed and sexually abused by an unknown man in Novaliches, Quezon City. The girl was just there to accompany...
Hachiko, the most loving and loyal dog in the world. See the full story here!

Hachiko is one of the most famous dogs in the world. The story of this dog made a lot of people cry. Way back in 1923, a professor H...
These dolphins were doing something that will blow your mind!

Dolphins are indeed smart animals. They never fail to amaze the people who see them. One of the most amazing videos that was spotted wa...
Balikbayan Boxes from OFW's was seen being sold in a local market!

In line with the recent issues regarding the implementation of taxes on Balikbayan Boxes and the random inspections that the Bureau of Cus...
First Ever 'Sky Pool' in the World. INCREDIBLE!

A swimming pool is one of the best recreational facilities that was ever invented. But people continue to defy gravity and push the limit...
Young girl committed suicide after father uploaded shaming video online!

Every parent wants their children to be discipline. They have their own different ways on how they wanted to discipline them. But someti...
High School girl was late for school, what she did to get to her room will amaze you!

What would you do if you're on your way to your classes, but the time is ticking and you're close to being late ? Well, this h...