When children first lose a tooth, parents often see it as a rite of passage because it is a sign of growing up. If you’re like other p...
Daily source of social news and updates.
When children first lose a tooth, parents often see it as a rite of passage because it is a sign of growing up. If you’re like other p...
Our kidneys are one of the most vital organs we have in our body. Afterall, a kidney's job is to filter out the waste from our b...
Besides exercise and a nutritious, balanced breakfast, what else can you do every morning that will improve your life? Some people love...
With heart disease being so widespread nowadays, experts are coming up with various methods and remedies in order to prevent this danger ...
Lemons are known to have many health benefits for the body. They hold 64% of the daily recommended vitamin C intake and other phtyochem...
No, it's not. It's just a clickbait article you have seen. There are numerous articles floating around the Facebook newsfeed a...
No one can deny that Mango is the most loved fruit among Filipinos . It is not only delicious but it is also nutritious. Eating mangoe...
Pneumonia is a serious sickness . Nearly one-third of all pneumonia sufferers have died before antibiotics have been discovered. Curre...
Had enough of dieting that barely even works? Tired of starving or depriving yourself of food just to gain your dream figure? This amaz...
The Amish are a group of fundamentalist Christians living in the United States of America . They live a very simplistic lifestyle : farm...
Purslane is a type of " weed " that is accepted worldwide as an edible plant. It grows anywhere that has at least a two-month g...
Along with the period comes massive pain in the back or stomach . In order to relieve this and prevent further complications, keep thes...
Health is wealth. It is important for all of us to take care of ourselves and watch what we eat. Doc Liza Ong shares a list of food which...
Been noticing red little pimples spreading across your body? Many of us wouldn't bother to address this concern at all. But did you kn...
Fabric softeners are one of the many products we use when washing clothes. It has become so common, many have forgotten to look into its ...
Have you ever wondered where all your fat goes when you start losing weight ? Does it leave with the sweat when you exercise ? Do you lose...
The cardava banana, or saging na saba in the Philippines , is considered as one of the healthiest fruits. Below are the benefits that we...
Some girls fail to deal with problems about their private parts as they deem it to be embarrasing . However, if not properly taken care ...