Friends are the ones who will accept you for who and what you are completely despite of having some imperfections. The friendship usually...
Daily source of social news and updates.
Friends are the ones who will accept you for who and what you are completely despite of having some imperfections. The friendship usually...
Different kinds of gimmicks are being brought up by politicians to be able to gain the sympathy and approval of the citizens. However, ...
Videos and stories of romantic wedding proposals have been circulating over the social media these days. Men are constantly looking for wa...
There is no doubt that when a person is famous a lot of people tend to focus on their actions. Due to that, they tend to gain more bashers...
In this generation, people are more into taking pictures. They pretty much wanted to capture every single moment that they could. But so...
The Queen of All Media Kris Aquino posted a photo of her son Bimby who appeared to be very emotional. He was wearing a turquoise suit as...
Babies are more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. Their immune system is much weaker than a normal adult which makes them more prone to ...
One of the newest segments of ABS-CBN's noontime show, It's Showtime is the segment called ' Lip Swak ' whereas celebritie...
Distinction in society is a known problem around the world. Some people feel like they have dominance and power over the other people. O...
One of the newest segments of ABS-CBN's noontime show, It's Showtime is the segment called 'Lip Swak' whereas celebrities ...
Inequality is a known problem around the world. Some people feel like they have dominance and power over the other people. One of the ex...
There had been a lot of stories of workers who are being underpaid and abused by their employers. Most of them claims that they could not ...
Discrimination is a known problem around the world. Some people feel like they have dominance and power over the other people. One of th...
They say that people have the freedom to express their thoughts online since we are living in a free country. But sometimes, these post...
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte had been serving the city of Davao for a few years, but despite of having authority and power over the place, he st...