We've all perceived onions as something that have always brought us to tears but who would have ever guessed that they too could ease ...
Daily source of social news and updates.
We've all perceived onions as something that have always brought us to tears but who would have ever guessed that they too could ease ...
Recent studies from the University of Colorado show that bitter melon juic e has proven it can kill pancreatic cancer cells in mice . ...
Everyone is familiar with E - cigarettes nowadays. New research has discovered that the flavorings of E-cigarettes contain high amounts o...
Did you know that aside from HIV , there is another sexually-transmitted disease that could also harm both men and women? It is also lif...
We all know women hate doing this to men when they're making love but this time, it seems that men have science to back them up. In ...
Most people refuse to eat ‘okra’ because of its slimy and hairy texture. However, not a lot of people know okra produces many health bene...
Urban areas are known to be polluted by different vehicles, industrial activities and so many more. Because of this, people living in ur...
This might sound both disturbing and disgusting , but have you ever wondered what happens to your bowel when you consume pork? Well some...
Out fast-paced and busy lives may keep us away from having a healthy lifestyle . Not only that, it might affect how you make love. If yo...
Technology undeniably made our lives easier. Aside from getting things done for us, it also saves our time. For one, the microwave has be...
Warts are excess skin growth caused by the different types of human papilloma virus ( HPV ). Although warts are relatively harmless, they...