The ocean is an enormous body of water that still has a lot of undiscovered creatures. A lot of people wanted to claim the deeper parts of the oceans, yet it is close to impossible. 

In this case, a gigantic squid was filmed by a couple of Russian scientists. With a measure of 39 to 46 feet long, the enormous squid was trying to get the fish that was used as a bait. 

Before swimming away it took a while for the squid, it was still clinging on the side of the boat of the scientist.

The squid was showing off as if it knows that the scientists were filming it. Some say that it is an Antartic or Giant Cranch Squid. 

There had been other sightings of gigantic squids in the past, but they say that this is by far the largest of its kind when it comes to mass. 

What can you say about this gigantic squid that was caught on camera by the Russian Scientist? Share us your thoughts below.