In this generation that we are right now, people always tend to fit in. They wanted to be inside the circle where the people would agree with their physical appearance. But it is not the case for all people, some are not confident with the way they look. 

This video will make you think that it is not about the way you look or how much your weight is. There will be a special person who is willing to love you despite of these imperfections

It started with a plus sized woman checking her weight constantly inside a room and started crying. Later, his husband came inside and claims that love does not revolve around her figures in the weighing scale. It is about seeing the person's personality. 

The song was specially made for the people who lacks the confidence to be whoever they wanted to be because of their insecurities. It was entitled, Through thick and thin that gained more than 31 million views in less than a week. 

This is one hell of a guy. She's one lucky girl.
Posted by Eric Turner on Friday, July 17, 2015
Source: Eric Turner

What can you say about this amazing video that will remind all the girls in the world to love themselves? Share us your thought below.