Breast Cancer is a kind of disease that seeks immediate treatment because if it is not cured immediately then the life of the diagnosed can be in danger.

A recent news that spread on Facebook raised awareness towards the people and their underwear. The woman posted a photo of her bra which became the cause of her Breast Cancer. She had found 3 beads that is inside the silicon

After she posted that, another friend tried to check her bra as well and they found the same object. These beads were said to be the reason of what happened to her breasts. 

The victim also claims that her bras were purchased in the department store of the mall not in the black market. 

Despite the fact that the person who posted this issue said that the disease came from the beads that was found, only the experts can answer if it was the cause. 

What can you say about this issue? Do you think that the beads were the reason for what happened to her? Share us your thoughts below. 