Not all people believe in God, but others are just intentionally mocking the Lord without any acceptable reason. Did you know that there are several famous people who allegedly died after they've mocked Him?

Marilyn Monroe (Actress)
She had a visitor named Billy Graham on a show. The preacher said that the Spirit of God sent him to preach her. But the actress replied, "I don't need your Jesus." She was then found lifeless a week after that incident. 

John Lennon (Singer) 
He said in an American Magazine, Christianity will end, it will disappear.Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him.' After claiming that the Beatles is more famous than Jesus Christ, he got shot several times. 

Thomas Andrew is the man who built the Titanic. After finishing the constructions, he said that it is so safe that "Not even God can sink it." Then, the incident happened to the Titanic. 

These were just a few of the stories that you could find inside the video. 

Source: appostrophy88

But what can you say about this incident? Was it just purely coincidence? Or did it happen because they mocked Him? Share us your thoughts below.