What a great story mga Ka Trending (y)"A young man from Philippines meets his Father"HAPPY FATHERS DAY SA LAHAT NG MGA BUTIHING TATAY SA BUONG MUNDO !! <3-Admin Tox
Posted by Trending Pinoy Videos on Saturday, June 20, 2015
We always dream of a complete family. The feeling of father to protect us, a mother to care for us, and siblings to keep us company completes our life and identity. While we all take our family for granted, there is this one guy who is been longing to find his father for 28 years.
The emotional reunion can bring you to tears. The moment he has seen his father in a close distance, he couldn't help it but cry. He is welcomed by everyone as he meets his father's family. This touching reunion wouldn't be possible without this good samaritan, Greg Rosas. He knows what Barry feels for it turns out he is also an orphan too.
A father and son reunite after years of not knowing and seeing each other. This is in courtesy of a man who turns out to be an angel, a good samaritan, and a stranger with a golden heart.