The Chinese delicacies are known to be one of the most delicious foods in the world. In many countries, they even build their own China towns to replicate the place where these food are being served. 

Many people wanted to taste the traditional dishes that China has to offere. But experts advised them not to eat at the less known restaurants for some are not serving 'good meat'. 

There was a case in China whereas many people were arrested when they decided to sell mink, rat and fox meats mistaken as lambs in Shanghai and Jiangsu province.  Many thought that this practice had already ended but it is obviously did not end. 

Another video went viral when it surfaced the net whereas several men were filmed skinning alive rats. These rat meats are allegedly being sold as 'pork or beef' meats. 

The footage will reveal a stomach-turning way of how these men dip the live rats in the boiling water to make it easier to peel off their skin. These men had the gutts to do this to the helpless rodents. 

Always take caution when eating at a local Chinese restaurant because you will never know what they are going to serve you. 

Source: TheAtlantic