The President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica is being tagged as the "World's Poorest President". Despite the negative term of being poor, this president is surely one of the most generous politician there is.

From the moment that he stepped up to serve the country in 2010 up to present, he consistently donates 90% of his monthly income of $12, 0000 to the charity. He  might not have the most luxurious things, but he had won the hearts of his countrymen. Many appreciates and have benefited from Mujica's actions.

He is not like any other president in the world. He refused to stay in the elegant presidential house. He also goes to his meeting wearing simple clothes

This man chose to humbly live a simple life with his wife and dog. Even his car is just a simple one.

Back in the previous years, Mujica was a member of the guerilla. They were the Robin Hoods of the poor. Their aim is to rob bad banks and give the money to the poor. He was shot 6 times and imprisoned for 14 years.

According to Mujica, "The poorest is the one who needs a lot to live. My lifestyle is a consequenc of my wounds. I'm the son of my history. There have been many years when I would have been happy just to have a mattress."

Mujica is a living legend that everyone should look up to. His generosity towards the needy is the best attribute that he has.

source: elitereaders

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