Giving birth is one of the hardest things to do as a mother. Their lives are being put into danger just to deliver the baby into this world. 

Most of the babies are being delivered in a hospital. Some people choose to deliver babies at home while new techniques such as water birth are being discovered. 

But this pregnant mom in a floral blouse could not wait to get to the hospital to deliver her baby. She claimed that her water already broke which is a sign that she is already about to give birth. 

The mother had been in the car for 45 minutes. They were driving to get to the nearest hospital. But the woman panicked when she knew that she would not be able to reach the hospital to get proper treatment for the delivery in time. 

So she decided to make herself deliver the baby. She was screaming at the top of her lungs just to make sure that she is giving enough pressure to push the baby out.

When she finally got the 10lb baby out, she was filled with happiness and satisfaction because she had delivered the baby without any medical assistance but it is really dangerous. 

Kudos to the husband who remained calm during the span of time that he was driving while his wife was delivering the baby in the car.

Source: i8thacookies

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