Disability is not something that you should be ashamed of. Instead, someone with disabilities should even be proud of themselves for continuously fighting to live normally. 

Another inspiration came from a 37-year old man Claudio Vieira de Oliveira from Brazil. He is born different from others because of his rare condition, congenital arthogryposis. 


In his condition, he is living his life, even though he has a deformed backbone and limbs which resulted in an upside down form of his body parts.

The doctors said that Claudio would die when he was born. There are no treatments for his condition.

But his mother continued fighting for his son's life. He treated him like a normal kid growing up despite of his disability. He was carried until 8 years old. And he was determined to walk by himself and learned to walk on his knees. 

Then he begged his mother to let him go to classes and live normally. 

Because of his hard work and dedication, he finished with a degree in Accountancy at Feira de Santana State University. He is also a speaker,  motivating more people. 

image source|source: Barcroft, wereblog,vamshare 

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