Stressed? Feeling burdened? Sickly? Making love everyday can actually solve these problems for you! According to studies, having intercourse with your partner everyday can actually improve your health. See the list below:

1) Look Younger
According to the Scottish researcher who wrote the book "Secrets of Superyoung", David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, daily intercourse can actually slow down aging. 

2) Boost Your Fertility
Making love everyday can improve fertility both for men and women.  

3) Fights Colds and Flu
An antigen called 'Immunglobulin" which fights flu and diseases increases as frequency of intercourse increases.

4) Lengthens Your Life
According to the study published by British Medical Journal, men who engage in daily s*x often live twice longer than those who rarely do it. Since it releases happy hormones, it increases circulation of oxygen in the body.

5.Burn Lots of Calories
Since intercourse is considered a physical activity, doing it on a regular basis can help you shed off those extra calories!

6) No More Period Cramps
It regulates hormones in women which can help stabilize the menstruation cycle and lessen period cramps.

