There are certain parts of the body whereas the skin is darker than the normal skin tone. Some claims that it is because of personal hygiene but other cases are signs that they have diseases. 

Though it seems impossible, there are available home remedies that will take away the dark spots in your neck, knees, underarms and elbows. 

These are the following ingredients that can be found in your kitchen or at home that would help you remove the dark skin. 

1. Aloe Vera
The gel on the aloe vera leaf needs to be applied on the dark area.

2. Baking Soda
A thick paste can be made by taking three parts of the baking soda and mix it with one part of water. 

3. Lemon
The juice of the lemon could be applied to the elbows and knees. 

4. Sugar and Olive oil
Mix the Olive oil and Sugar together until it becomes a thick paste. Rinse off the paste to see the results. 

5. Potatoes
Potato Juice can be applied to the affected areas to lighten it up. 

6. Milk
Milk and Curd need to be mixed together. 

7. Cucumbers
These are very effective. Blend it together with a lime juice, then apply it. 

Source: 3DFirstAid