Many people do not like the prospect of eating fruits and vegetables but nowadays, health trends and other kinds of fitness-related activities are slowly gaining popularity.
Case in point: Remember that time when people suddenly wanted to go Zumba dancing? Or when others would instead order “nutritionally-planned” meals packed in plastic? Well, here’s another good news to those health junkies—and maybe to those who don’t eat veggies and fruits.
Read and Digest reported that eating sweet potatoes has its own good health benefits. The sweet potato is called “Ipomoea batatas” in scientific terms and has its root crop known for its starchy texture and slightly sweet taste.
The most common ones we see are white in color, with an almost yellow tinge. Here are the following health benefits of eating that sweet potato:
1. It is rich in dietary fibers
This means that its fibers—the starchy texture—are able to aid you in your digestion. Fibers help release the body’s buildup of waste, especially when one is feeling constipated. Eating sweet potatoes will relieve that.
2. It contains beta-carotene
Beta-carotene is not just found in carrots—it can be seen in sweet potatoes too! Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that relieves joint pains and can even help in preventing tumors from forming, which could lead to breast and lung cancer.
3. It has a lot of Vitamin D
Vitamin D, unbeknownst to many, is good for the skin, teeth, and bones. It’s also essential in keeping your thyroid glands healthy. Apart from that, it’s also called the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s the only vitamin that can be sourced from the sun. But in eating sweet potatoes, you are also able to get the vitamin yourself.
4. It can promote healthy skin
Did you know that you can boil a sweet potato and use the water in treating your skin infections and irritations? Apparently, the water that remains from boiling sweet potatoes can clear out your pores that are clogged and help maintain your hydration. This makes your skin look and feel healthier in the long run.
5. It’s actually good for the heart
It has been proven that eating sweet potatoes can be good for the heart, as it contains potassium that is able to help in regulating the blood pressure of your body.
6. It has lots of Folic Acids
Folic acids are especially helpful for pregnant women as this helps in infant development and in the overall fetus formation of the baby.
7. It contains Vitamin C
This is the kind of vitamin that you should digest because it’s essential in keeping your body healthy from viruses or infections. Metabolisms act faster when the person’s body is filled with vitamin C.
8. Sweet potatoes are also filled with Vitamin A
Aren’t you convinced yet? Apart from the aforementioned vitamins, they also contain vitamin A, a known essential for a good, healthy eyesight. Vitamin A is also good if you want to avoid respiratory diseases like coughs and colds.
9. It can also prevent anemia
Surprise, surprise—even this food can help you in regulating your blood pressure, which means a healthier flow of oxygen in your body, particularly in your blood vessels.
10. It’s good for hair growth
If you want to develop a thicker, richer hair, you might want to consider eating sweet potatoes. They could increase hair growth and provide you with healthier hair follicles.
Amazing! Guess it’s time to head to the nearest market and grab those sweet potatoes by the aisle! What do you think about it? Tell it to us in the comments section below!
Source: TNP , ReadandDigest