For all the pet lovers out there, we're sure that you have been very protective of your 'best friends'. Most people usually keep dogs or cats as pets.
Here’s a list of what NOT TO FEED THEM:
1) Mints
Although some mints can be safe, most mint candies and chewing gum contain xylitol or an artificial sweetener. This particular ingredient can cause a sudden-release of insulin in your dog or cat's body which can lead to hypoglycemia or the extreme lowering of blood sugar. It can induce vomiting, lethargy, trouble in body coordination or even death!
2) Chocolate, coffee
Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine and coffee also contains caffeine. These can be both fatal to your pets and might cause, vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, restlessness, muscle tremors, seizures or even death!
3) Grapes and Raisins
For some reason, these can't be digested by some animals, particularly dogs and cats. This can cause sudden kidney failure which would include vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy.
4) Avocados
Like raisins and grapes, they are unable to digest avocados so you can just keep them for yourself. This can cause vomiting and diarrhea to your pets.
5) Garlic and Onions
These contain chemicals which are dangerous to your pets as they damage the blood cells of both dogs and cats. They affect red blood cells, rupturing them and weakening their ability to carry oxygen which can eventually lead to fatal anemia!
6) Macadamia Nuts
Although they are a good source of Vitamin E for us, they are proven to cause weakness, vomiting, tremors and joint pains on your pets.
Source: TNP