Let's face it, peeing in the shower is not something you could just talk about anywhere to anyone.

We all have gross habits that we are not proud of. Boys and girls do it and who cares if it appears pleasant or not? 

After reading this, you’ll discover the health benefits of peeing in the shower. 

You could even sing Elsa's Let It Go while at it.

1. Water Bills Would Decrease (Yes!)
Did you know that not flushing every time you pee could save you 1.5 to 3 gallons of water? 
Who needs to waste water when you could just let it go in the shower along with your soap and shampoo residue?
If you are the homeowner or the one paying the water bills, well this should be enough reason to pee in the shower from now on. 

Here's 8 Reasons Why You Should Pee In The Shower Daily! #7 Will Definitely Convince You!

2. Clean As You Go
Peeing in the shower, at least for ladies, won't require wiping tissues on their private area any more.
Say goodbye to the unpleasant feeling of having toilet paper stuck to your genitals after going.

Here's 8 Reasons Why You Should Pee In The Shower Daily! #7 Will Definitely Convince You!

3. The Toilet Will Thank You
This can keep your bathroom toilets cleaner by reducing the flow pee into it.
The seat and the rim of the toilet can get particularly gross every time you go so let's save it from the nastiness and just pee in the shower instead!

Here's 8 Reasons Why You Should Pee In The Shower Daily! #7 Will Definitely Convince You!

4. Goodbye, Foot Fungus!
You might not know this, but pee has anti-fungal properties!
The uric acid and ammonia in your pee can help fight against fungal infections, adding urine to the list of home remedies for athlete’s foot and other gross fungi.
Whenever you feel 'eww' by stepping on your own pee, just think about all the fungi you’re getting rid of when you do!

Here's 8 Reasons Why You Should Pee In The Shower Daily! #7 Will Definitely Convince You!

5. Down There Tightens
When you have kids or trouble controlling your flow, you might as well consider peeing in the shower, since squatting to pee will serve as its own workout.
And it's as effective as it gets!

Here's 8 Reasons Why You Should Pee In The Shower Daily! #7 Will Definitely Convince You!
