The official tally of the votes of the Filipinos around the world is finally done. The people have already spoken and they have entrusted their votes to the said officials hoping that the country would be led to a change. 

The presumptive president will be Rodrigo Duterte and the incoming vice president is Leni Robredo. Duterte took the elections by a landslide while Leni took it by a hairline. 

Now, an open letter was written by Mocha Uson addressed to the incoming Vice President Leni Robredo. 

On the said letter, she said that the DDS (supporters of Duterte) is hoping that Leni would disregard her alliance with the Liberal Party and start working for the people of the Philippines. 

They made a point that the reason why people elected Duterte is because of the fact that Filipinos are tired of the traditional politicians.
