People all over the world are fond of Dogs. They’re often treated as part of the family. However, you should be careful because a disease called ‘Leishmaniasis’ which is a familiar disease in the Middle East.

Flies and ticks can transmit this disease. It causes open wounds, having a hard time swallowing and breathing and nose bleed.

Leishmaniasis has different types:

1. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis – The place where the bite mark is will have an unpleasant looking scar that will heal for about a month and a half.

2. Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis – the skin and mucosal ulcers will be mainly on the nose and mouth. 

3. Visceral Leishmaniasis – this is the most serious type. This can be fatal if it is not treated immediately.

Other instances which includes fever, damage to the spleen and liver and also anemia which can happen after a few months up to a year. 

This disease can only happen through blood transfusion. The good news is, the disease can be treated; however, the procedure will be difficult and will be done in a long time.

To prevent Leishmaniasis, you can use nets with insecticides while you are sleeping. According to Medscape, "Injectable paromomycin has also been reported to be noninferior to amphotericin B. Oral miltefosine is FDA approved for visceral, cutaneous, and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. Sitamaquine is another oral therapy in the research pipeline for the treatment of visceral disease."

WARNING: New Discovered Threatening Disease That Can Be Transmitted By Dogs! Can Your Dog Be Next?
Source: TNP , Readanddigest