fake rice from china

Alleged fake rice from China was said to be made of plastic!

Rice has been a daily part of every Asian's life. Especially the countries in the East and Southeast Asia, a meal could not be completed without a cooked rice to be partnered up with a delicious viand. 

But an alarming news is spreading like a wildfire over the social media. It is a the speculations that China has been producing a deadly rice that is composed of a poisonous material that can be found on plastics. 

This fake rice were made of a mixture of potatoes and the synthetic resin which can really harm your body if eaten in a daily basis

The difference between the fake and the natural grains were hard to find out.

This material is known to be a resin,  a synthetic material that can be found on several plants which are lethal to human beings when digested. 

Although this issue was not proven yet rumors are spreading that this plastic rice is now believed to be exported in several countries in Asia such as India, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. 

But the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumerism Hasan Malek said, "The news can be true or false; we don't know. We also don't know if the fake rice has entered the country, but we cannot take such things lightly and will carry out investigations nationwide," 

Each individual is asked to double out their awareness because the difference between a real rice and this fake rice is not much except for the fact that the fake rice is hard to digest. 

All we have to do right now is to pay attention to what we're eating and to be careful! Once you've realized that the rice you're eating is a lot harder than the usual and is difficult to digest, you better stop eating because the rice you're eating is probably the fake grains from China.

Image source| article source: elitereaders,wereblog

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