Kerson fruit or also Kerson cherry ('aratiles') carries many powerful health benefits due to its strong antibacterial compounds.
This fruit has the amazing capacity to fight gout-related problems, risk of heart attack, inflammation, blood pressure and even simple headaches.
The Vitamin C-rich fruit also contains calcium, iron, phosphorous and protein which can also help ease pain brought on by abdominal cramps.
Studies also say that it is a helpful pain blocker due to its properties similar to antinociceptive agents.
Aside from those mentioned above, the Kerson fruit is also capable of providing other health benefits such as:
-Amazingly, this tree's leaves has the power to prevent heart attacks due to the antioxidants that prevents inflammation responsible for myocardial infarction.
Vitamins and Minerals
-Kerson fruit contains helpful vitamins and minerals aside from fiber. It has carbs, calcium and phosphorous that helps strengthen bones, protein, and iron that can be good for anemia, plus B-Vitamins which can help boost your mood!
Source: TNP, ArtikuloHealthNews