Bryan Cox dedicated his 4 years searching and growing the most special trees there is. He built a stunning church from live growing trees.
A wide variety of trees were chosen. Different kinds were used to create the most beautiful church. Bryan's secret to successfully build the church from trees is that he owns a gardening company named, Treelocations. This company is focused on transferring live whole trees to large mechanized spades.
Bryan have been traveling abroad and visiting several churches. And he knew in his heart that his backyard needs to have a church. By the start of April 2011 he cleared the area and put up the Iron Frame, from the inspiration that he got at the research that he had done on churches.
This whole idea was a blast. All of the people who have seen the church made out of live tree are mesmerized. It is like one of the most enchanting places that there is around the world.
source: boredpanda
What can you say about the hard work and dedication of this man to build the amazing church? Share us your thoughts below.